Monday, July 7, 2014

Meet the House

Before I get started on the home improvement posts I think a proper introduction of the house in question is quite appropriate, don't you think? I think so. It's only polite, you know.

So here is our home! The one we just bought a week ago tomorrow.

Wait a minute. What's with all the Halloween decorations?? I can already hear you asking: Are you guys like the weird Klopecs from The Burbs or something, with Halloween stuff up in the middle of summer?? While that might be fun, I'm not into dirt floored basements and big scary furnaces. No, I didn't take this picture today. This was actually taken just after we moved into the house 5 years ago as renters in mid October, so it is decorated for Halloween. Lightly decorated, I might add. We do a much better job with decorating now. :D

Anyway, enough about Halloween. I know Halloween is fun and all, and The Burbs is like the best subdivision movie EVER, but we really must move on with this post. You can go watch the movie after you finish reading this post.

The house has gone virtually unchanged during the last 5 years. As renters we couldn't do anything with it, but we kept it in the same condition as when we first moved in. Well, except for the carpets. Those get dirty, you know, even after numerous shampooings. And they are light cream colored carpets. That's basically white, people. White! Who puts white carpets in a house?? Especially with cats and 2 kids walking all over those carpets! So yeah, they don't look so nice right now. But the floors won't be staying that way for long.

It's a beautiful house, really. Beautiful in all it's plainness. You know the plainness I'm talking about. The same type of plainness you see in newly built houses. It's like a blank canvas with neutral pastel colors. Which makes sense because this house is fairly new (only 14 years old) with 3 bedrooms and 2 and a half baths with a basement and 2 car garage. It's a Colonial, but it is so plain that it hardly looks like a Colonial. Right now the house looks like a plain traditional home. Nothing to write home about. But that's going to change. It's my mission to turn this Colonial into a true Colonial, inside and out. With some moose and loons thrown in for good measure. We can't forget the moose! Or the coffee!

Go ahead and make yourself a cup. I'll wait.

Got your coffee? Good.

I actually already started working on the kitchen yesterday. Tomorrow I will show you the progress so far. I know, I know. You were hoping to see it now weren't you? Sorry, I'm mean like that. But it's not done. At all. So you can be patient. Yes, you can. :D

Here's a teaser to show you the paint colors I've chosen to put in the kitchen.

Isn't it gorgeous?? True Colonial colors there! I can hardly wait to see the end product of this house's transformation, but I know it will be a long time in coming. I've got a lot of work ahead of me, but it will be fun work.

But now I've got to get back to finishing up supper. Homemade Pizza night is calling!

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